Eppig Brewing turns 2! Head on down to our biergarten to celebrate our anniversary & Repeal Day (for all you history buffs, the first week of December also marks the repeal of Prohibition in 1933).
We're bringing out rare beers from our cellar, 2nd Anniversary IPA brewed fresh for the celebration, and a line up of our award-winning Natural Bridge Lagers!
The party starts at 1pm with commemorative anniversary glasses. $15 includes first fill, plus $4.50 refills at the inside bar all day!
2-6pm (or til they're gone): Cellar Beer Tasting on Patio
- $5 8 oz. pours of rare cellar beers- with beers rotating as the kegs kick!
- Featuring: Moment of Weakness Dark Am. Sour, Tootie Footie Sour Ale, & more!
6pm- close
End your day with an anniversary treat! Pair your stout with a cupcake (+ $1 to beer purchase) for the ultimate finale, while supplies last.
Location: Eppig Brewing Waterfront Biergarten 1-9pm